Welcome Home

hospitality as a way to create community

User workshop tag

University's Hospitality Model


Redesigning the hospitality experience of unsatisfied users.


An insights' workshop that lead to new interiors and onboarding system with a welcome kit and complementary materials to lessen cultural shock.

05.2017 - 06.2017

Team Composition

Sebastiano Gobbo, Clara Marcolin, Ao Shen, Susana Soto Bustamante

Personal Contribution

Workshop creative/management team, Service concept, Welcome Kit, User onboarding, Print Design, Illustration
University's Hospitality Model
team composition
Sebastiano Gobbo, Clara Marcolin, Ao Shen, Susana Soto Bustamante
personal contribution
Workshop creative/management team, Service concept, Welcome Kit, User onboarding, Print Design, Illustration
05.2017 - 06.2017

Welcome Home is an hospitality system that goes beyond interior design or an onboarding service and instead provides a complete experience that follows students before, during and after their school's year.

As diversity increases and is incentivised in Politecnico di Milano, the hospitality system had to evolve. Taking in consideration people coming from different backgrounds, the staff and management to re-think an important part of university's experience.

Our human-centered approach focused on understanding the connections between the residents and other elements of the ecosystem. From staff and management to the relationship with the structure and their journey as residents and students. In order to do that we decided to listen people ina series of interviews throughtout the process and to develop tool that facilitated expressing their stories.

A turning point in our process has been organizing and running a workshop with all the users of the structure. This event allowed us to reunite the community, getting them to talk to us and between one another. The workshop deepened our understanding of the users and their environment.

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Understanding the context

Workshop at Newton

The Design

For making everyone feel home, we designed some services to be given by Newton to the new guests before the arrival, so they feel calm and safe even from before reaching Newton. First we added a buddy system in which the new people can have access to one old resident of the residence and feel free to ask any specific information that may not be included in the brochures and why not, also become friends and enjoy good time after the arrival, we also added a road to newton pdf, a document that is a mail that everyone will receive with useful information to know before the arrival. Finally, we created a welcome kit that will be given to every new student at the moment of their arrival, this kit has important and useful information that we are sure everyone will be grateful to receive on the first day, besides we added a welcome gift to start the warm welcoming.

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The nature of the project and the workshop that we organized required us to learn how to manage complexity. Having large amounts of data and insights coming from relevant sources made the project something that the users felt attached to, ultimately contributing to its effectiveness and relevance. Our involved users knew that we wanted to give back something that would have helped them and future students, it was their empathy that allowed us to create guides and a map of the area for the welcome kit!